Welcome To TextMe! TextMe is a fully Drag and Drop notes organiser. Simply drag text from the text box to copy a selection of text or a note from the notes list to your left to copy an entire note. Even drag text or a file from the Desktop into TextMe to create a note from the file or text you dragged. Handy Tips: Handy Tip #1: Add ".txt" (without the quotation marks) to the end of the name of your note to make your note turn into a text file when you drag it to the Desktop. Handy Tip #2: Use the Settings Dialog to modify how TextMe acts. Handy Tip #3: Hold the mouse over any button to see a brief description of what that button does. Handy Tip #4: Keep TextMe up-to-date! Click the Update button above. (Requires an Internet Connection) Handy Tip #6: Hold down Shift while clicking Delete to delete all notes in the note database. NOTE: If TextMe crashes or does something it is not meant to (eg TextMe changes the wrong note when the right note is selected) please email a description of what has happened and what triggered it if possible, to DukeSpukem@Hotmail.com